Last Updated: Thursday 6th February 2025
Current Beers
At the Hole In The Wall we believe in offering you, the discerning drinker, an eclectic range of hand-pulled ales and lagers. We endeavour to include at least one new beer each week. Take a leisurely browse through the list below to view our currently available beers and then come in and try one or two. For those of you who enjoy a good quality pint, the current renaissance in cask ale brewing is like a dream come true. With a choice of 3000 different cask ales in this country alone, you can now relive the pleasures last experienced by your grandfathers’ generation.
A 4 pint jug of any real ale below 5.0% abv for only £15.00 between 5-9pm any night.

Beer: | Headband (Keg) |
Brewery: | Verdant |
%ABV: | 5.5% |
Description: Ratebeer: 98/100. Glowing orange colour. A beautifully balanced beer where the pale, crystal and Munich malts really help amplify the hops juicy qualities. Layers of flavour: tropical fruit, citrus fruit, stinky cheese, caramel – all working together. Bitter and sweet. Lush.
Drink in/Takeaway Price per pint: £6

Beer: | Bitter |
Brewery: | Lunebrew |
%ABV: | 3.4% |
Description: A gorgeous amber beer brewed with Kent Goldings and new British hop Admiral, which is high in Alpha acids, and has a resinous character exhibiting Floral and Citrus flavours. Not your Dad’s Bitter, but a thoroughly modern take on a classic without losing any of its character.
Drink in/Takeaway Price per pint: £4/£3.25

Beer: | It’s Pronounced Verdant (keg) |
Brewery: | Verdant |
%ABV: | 6.5% |
Description: Verdant. VER-DANT. It’s Pronounced Verdant, (/ˈvɜː.dənt/).
It’s no secret that we love Mosaic, and it’s a bit mad that we’ve not done a single-hop IPA with it. So here it is, in all its invitingly golden glory. We’ve hopped it thrice cold side for maximum fruit stank and buffered this against a touch more malt depth than usual and a higher oat percentage to boot! Big, and stinky mouth of Mosaic.
Drink in/Takeaway Price per pint: £6

Beer: | Yachtsman’s Ale |
Brewery: | Island Brewery |
%ABV: | 4.2% |
Description: The addition of roasted malt produces a rich brown beer and mouth-feel, counterbalanced by sufficient hops to rise to the nose and to refresh the throat of the most parched of sailors in a subtle complexity of flavours and texture found only when brewed with integrity in ingredients.
Drink in/Takeaway Price per pint: £4/£3.25