36 Great Southsea Street, Southsea, Hants, PO5 3BY      02392 298085

Headband (Keg)

Beer:  Headband (Keg)
Brewery:  Verdant
%ABV:  5.5%

Description: Ratebeer: 98/100. Glowing orange colour. A beautifully balanced beer where the pale, crystal and Munich malts really help amplify the hops juicy qualities. Layers of flavour: tropical fruit, citrus fruit, stinky cheese, caramel – all working together. Bitter and sweet. Lush.


Drink in/Takeaway Price per pint: £6

Categories: Beers not in

Copyright ©2024 Hole In The Wall | Design IG Designs

 36 Great Southsea Street, Southsea, Hants, PO5 3BY      02392 298085